
metro2 — Trigger Metronome with Swing and Accents


Generates a metronomic signal with controllable swinging.


ktrig  metro2  kfreq, kswing [, iamp, initphase]


iamp - off-beat click amplitude

initphase - initial phase value (in the 0 to 1 range)


ktrig - output trigger signal

kfreq - frequency of trigger bangs in cps

kswing - value (in the 0 to 1 range)

metro2 is a modification of 'classic' metro opcode with additional swinging. The swinging clicks can be modulated at k-rate. Also, swinging clicks can have their own amplitude value set by iamp.

[Note] Note

metro2 as well as metro will produce a trigger signal of 1 when its phase is exactly 0 or 1. If you want to skip the initial trigger, use a very small value like 0.00000001.


Here is an example of the metro2 opcode. It uses the file metro2.csd

Example 589. Example of the metro2 opcode.

-odac ; for RT audio

sr = 44100
ksmps = 16
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1.0

ga1 init 0   ; delay aux

instr 1 ; main triggering instrument
kndx init 0
kndx2 init -1
; the clicks are 1/16th notes @ 137 BPM
kT metro2 (4*137/60), p4, -1
if (kT == 0) goto Halt
	k1 table kndx, 1, 0, 0, 1
	kndx += 1
	if (k1 == 0) goto Next
		event "i", 2, 0, 0.35, k1
; positive amplitude values of down-beat clicks 
; are used to trigger kick (instr 3)
if (kT < 1) goto Halt
	kndx2 += 1
	kndx2 wrap kndx2, 0, 2 
 	if kndx2 != 0 goto Halt
	event "i", 3, 0, 0.2

instr 2  ; simple subtractive bass
kAE linsegr 0, 0.005, 1, p3/2, .7, .04, 0, .04, 0
kFE linsegr 1, 0.005, 2, p3/2, .7, .04, .1, .04, .1
ifr = cpspch(p4)
a1 vco2 1, ifr
a2 vco2 1, ifr * 1.005
a3 vco2 1, ifr * 0.993
aM = (a1+a2+a3)/3
aM moogvcf aM*kAE, 1000 * kFE, 0.5
outs aM, aM
ga1 += aM * 0.25

instr 3 ; simple techno kick
k1 linseg 200, p3, 10
k2 linseg 0,0.001,1,0.25,0
a1 oscil 0.3*k2, k1
outs a1,a1

instr 99 ; feedback delay for bass
a1 delayr 0.5
ab deltap 0.33
   delayw ga1 + ab*0.3
outs ab,ab
ga1 = 0

t 0 137 
; ftable1 is the bass sequence to played with various swings
f1 0 16 -2 6.00 0 0 7.00 0 0 6.00 0 6.00 0 0 7.00 0 7.01 6.00 0
; 4 measure pattern of different swinging 
i1 0 16 0.5
i1 + .  0.65
i1 + .  0.4
i99 0 46

See also

Sensing and Control: Tempo and Sequencing


Author: Gleb Rogozinsky;
St.Petersburg, October 2019

New in Csound version 6.14