
sc_phasor — A resettable linear ramp between two levels (renamed as trigphasor)


Plugin opcode in scugens.

A resettable linear ramp between two levels. Port of Supercollider's Phasor. DEPRECATED (renamed as trigphasor, )


aindex sc_phasor xtrig, xrate, kstart, kend [, kresetPos] 
kindex sc_phasor xtrig, xrate, kstart, kend [, kresetPos] 


Phasor is a linear ramp between kstart and kend values. When its trigger input crosses from non-positive to positive, sc_phasor's output will jump to its reset position (or to kstartif no reset value was given). Upon reaching the end of its ramp, sc_phasor will wrap back to its start.

If kresetPos is specified, this value will be used to jump to after a trigger. Otherwise, a trigger will set the position back to kstart

If one wants Phasor to output a signal with frequency freq oscillating between start and end, then the rate should be:

(end - start) * freq / sr


Here is an example of the sc_phasor opcode. It uses the file sc_phasor.csd.

Example 1350. Example of the sc_phasor opcode.

See the sections Real-time Audio and Command Line Flags for more information on using command line flags.


sr = 44100
ksmps = 128
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1.0

instr 1
	krate linseg 1, p3, 40
	ktrig metro krate
	kx sc_phasor ktrig, krate/kr, 0, 1
	asine oscili 0.2, kx*500+500
	outch 1, asine
instr 2
	krate linseg 1, p3, 40
	atrig = mpulse(1, 1/krate)
	ax sc_phasor atrig, krate/sr, 0, 1
	asine oscili 0.2, ax*500+500
	outch 2, asine

i1 0 20
i2 0 20

See also



By: Eduardo Moguillansky 2017