
imageload — Load an image.


Plugin opcode in image. This opcode is part of the plugin repository and has to be installed separately. The plugin repository can be found here:

Load an image and return a reference to it. Individual pixel values can then be accessed with imagegetpixel.

[Note] Note

The image processing opcodes can only load png images


iimagenum imageload filename


iimagenum -- number assigned to the loaded image.

filename -- The filename of the image to load (should be a valid PNG image file).


Here is an example of the imageload opcode. It uses the file imageopcodes.csd and imageOpcode01.png.

Example 466. Example of the imageload opcode.

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-n ;no sound output

sr = 44100 
ksmps = 32 
0dbfs  = 1 
nchnls = 2

; by Cesare Marilungo 2008
; additions by Menno Knevel 2021
; image opcodes need a black canvas- black = no sound!

giimage1 imageload "imageOpcode01.png"              ; load this image
giimagew, giimageh imagesize giimage1               ; get dimensions of imageOpcode01.png
giimageNEW imagecreate giimagew,giimageh            ; and use those same dimensions for the new image            

instr 1 ; copies imageOpcode01.png and changes it

kndx = 0
kx linseg 0, p3, 1
prints "\nwidth = %d pixels, heigth = %d pixels\n\n", giimagew, giimageh

ky = kndx/(giimageh)                                ; y-axis
krd, kgn, kbl imagegetpixel giimage1, kx, ky        ; get pixels from 'old' image
imagesetpixel giimageNEW, kx*.9, ky*.5, krd, kgn, kbl; redesign the image
loop_lt kndx, 0.5, giimageh, myloop

instr 2
imagesave giimageNEW, "imageOUT.png"                ; save this new image

instr 3
imagefree giimage1                                  ; unload images
imagefree giimageNEW


i1 1 1
i2 2 1
i3 3 .1

This is what the image imageOpcode01.png looks like:

See also

Image processing opcodes


Author: Cesare Marilungo

New in version 5.08