Free and Open Source Audio Programming Language

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Report a bug

Csound consists of different parts. Depending on the subject, your bug report should go to one of these different addresses.

A bug on this site (

Example: You click on a link and get to a “page not found” error.

Please report the bug on tis site’s issue tracker.

In case you are not familiar with Github, you can also write an email to website at

A bug in the Csound core

Example: Opcode XYZ outputs 0 when I set the third input argument to 1 although the Reference Manual states this should output -1.

Please file what you consider to be a bug to the Csound issue tracker. Please describe in the bug report:

  • which Csound code do you run (include a code which is as minimal as possible)
  • whether you run Csound from command line or from any frontend
  • which version of Csound do you use
  • what is your operating system

A bug in one of the Frontends and Interfaces

Example: Edit > Copy in CsoundQt for Windows is not working.
Or: Cabbage always pops up with lettuces in the GUI panel.

Please file the bugs to the frontend or interface you are using. This list should help:

A bug in the Csound Reference Manual

Example: A typo in an opcode description, or a dead link.

Please report it in the manual’s issue tracker.

A bug in the Csound FLOSS Manual

Example: A built-in sound file cannot be played.

Please report it in the issue tracker of the Csound FLOSS Manual.