Csound consists of different parts. Depending on the subject, your bug report should go to one of these different addresses.
Example: You click on a link and get to a “page not found” error.
Please report the bug on tis site’s issue tracker.
In case you are not familiar with Github, you can also write an email to website at cs-conf.de.
Example: Opcode XYZ outputs 0 when I set the third input argument to 1 although the Reference Manual states this should output -1.
Please file what you consider to be a bug to the Csound issue tracker. Please describe in the bug report:
Example: Edit > Copy in CsoundQt for Windows is not working.
Or: Cabbage always pops up with lettuces in the GUI panel.
Please file the bugs to the frontend or interface you are using. This list should help:
Example: A typo in an opcode description, or a dead link.
Please report it in the manual’s issue tracker.
Example: A built-in sound file cannot be played.
Please report it in the issue tracker of the Csound FLOSS Manual.