Free and Open Source Audio Programming Language

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Csound code can run in any browser without installing Csound. The main site for it is:

To try it out, you can open any project, for instance Getting Started 1. Push the Play button, and you should hear a tone. Change the code, for instance in line 11 replace 550 by 660, and you will hear 660 Hz as frequency of this tone.

The Csound FLOSS Manual can also be used in this interactive way. Try out the Getting Started there, with examples and exercises.

Csound Frontends

The classical way to use Csound is to install a “Frontend”. A frontend provides a Code Editor, and you can execute the code by running Csound. Note that Csound is running “inside” the frontend, so usually you will have to install at first Csound via the Download Page, and then one of the Frontends. The most popular are:

Some general installation instructions can be found here.

Csound also runs out of the box on Android.

Csound syntax

We write Csound code in a text file with XML type tags. The most important sections are the <CsInstruments> and <CsScore> sections. Simply put, <CsInstruments> defines how our instruments will sound, while <CsScore> defines when and how long they will sound. Presented below is the typical document structures for a single unified Csound file.

// start of the csound code

// this section tells Csound how to interact with various devices and hardware

// this section contains instrument definitions

// this section tells Csound when and how to perform instruments defined
// in the CsInstruments section above. 

// end of the Csound code

The most important part of such a file is the <CsInstruments> section. Here we combine unit generators and encapsulate them in software instruments.

When we describe Csound syntax (the grammar of Csound as audio programming language), we mean this <CsInstruments> section which is also called “orchestra”.

The <CsScore> section uses a different syntax. Basically this “score” calls the “instruments” at specified start times and for certain durations. It is a list of instrument events.

We will begin by introducing the <CsInstruments> syntax. Basic components are:

Instrument code

All Csound code is case sensitive. That means that aSig and asig are two different names.


Keywords are special reserved words that have a unique function and meaning. The two most commonly used keywords in the Csound language are instr and endin. These two keywords define an instrument block which contains instructions on how an instrument functions. Each instrument must be given a unique name or number which follows the instr keyword.

instr 1
;do stuff

instr DoStuff
;do stuff


System constants are found in the CsInstruments header section. The header section appears before any instrument block and sets up vital information about:

  • sr: the sample rate (number of audio samples per second)
  • ksmps: the number of samples in an audio vector or block of samples
  • nchnls: the number of audio channels to use
  • 0dbfs: which number to be set as zero decibel full scale

These are common settings:

sr = 44100
ksmps = 64
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

instr 1
;do stuff


Variables are used to store data. An audio programming language produces a stream of numbers, so the most important variable types in Csound contain numbers.

The variable types for numbers depend on this question: In which rate can the number be changed?

If the number can only be set at the start of an instrument, we call it an i-rate (initialization) variable. These variables always start with a lower-case i.

If the number is constantly updated during the performance of an instrument, we call it a k-rate (control-rate) variable. These variables always start with a lower-case k.

If the variable contains a number for every audio sample, we call it an a-rate (audio-rate) variable. These variables always start with a lower-case a.

Variables can be given any name as long as they start with an i, k or a.

A more in depth explanation of these different variable types can be found in the Csound FLOSS Manual.

Csound also has other types of variables such as Strings and Arrays. However for the moment, we only need the variable types already described to continue this tutorial.


Opcodes do things. They are the core of each and every Csound instrument. What they do is usually described by their name. reverb for example applies a reverb to an audio signal while random generates random numbers. Opcodes, like variables, can be a, k, or i-rate.

In their most common form, opcodes are given input arguments and they output a result. The rate at which an opcode operates is determined by the output variable name. Outputs always appear to the left of an opcode name, while inputs always appear to the right of the opcode name. The typical syntax for most opcodes in Csound is given as

aOutput opcode input1, input2, input3, ...

While most opcodes in Csound have outputs as well as inputs, some opcodes only have inputs, while others only have outputs. It should also be noted that not every opcode can operate at a, k and i rate. The simplest way to see what rates are supported by what opcode is by looking at the Csound reference manual.

Lines of opcodes can be connected to create a signal graph which describes the flow of the signal from one place to another. We can see in the next code example how the signal generated by myOpcode1 is being fed into the input of myOpcode2, which is in turn sent to the inputs of myOpode3. Remember that the result of each opcode’s calculations are passed to its output parameter, which is located to the left of the opcode. These variables can then be used anywhere else in the instrument block.

instr 1
a1 myOpcode1 
a2 myOpcode2 a1
a3 myOpcode3 a2

Csound features more than 1500 opcodes, making it one of the world’s most extensive audio programming languages.

Writing Csound code in traditional or functional syntax

We just explained the traditional Csound syntax in which we have the opcode in the middle of a code line. Left hand side we find the output, and right hand side the input of this opcode.

We can also write Csound code in a “functional syntax”. This way of writing is more in sync with the conventions of modern programming languages like Python or JavaScript.

Here is an example of all three variable types, each of them defined in the traditional or the modern way of writing Csound code.

instr 1

  // define an i-rate variable in traditional Csound syntax
  iAmp random 0,1
  // define an i-rate variable in functional Csound syntax
  iAmp = random:i(0,1)
  // define a k-rate variable in traditional Csound syntax
  kLine line 1,2,0
  // define a k-rate variable in functional Csound syntax
  kLine = line:k(1,2,0)
  // define an a-rate variable in traditional Csound syntax
  aSignal poscil 0.2,440
  // define an a-rate variable in functional Csound syntax
  aSignal = poscil:a(0.2,440)

The code line iAmp = random:i(0,1) means: “Variable iAmp equals a random value at i-rate with the arguments 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum).”

The code line kLine = line:k(1,p3,0) means: “Variable kLine equals the result of the line opcode at k-rate with the arguments 1 (start value), 2 (duration in seconds) and 0 (target value).”

The code line aSignal = poscil:a(0.2,440) means: “Variable aSignal equals the result of the poscil opcode at a-rate with the arguments 0.2 (amplitude) and 440 (frequency).”

You can choose which way of writing Csound code you prefer. We will follow the functional style here.


Mathematical operators are essential to all programming languages. Csound is no different. Any a, k or i rate variable can be operated on using the standard set of mathematical operators, *, /, +, -, etc. Note that multiplying a variable by 20 does not alter the variable’s value. It simply returns a new value. This new value can then be assigned for use later.

kVal1 = 100
kVal2 = kVal1*100


Single line comments can be added using ; or //. Multi-line comments are added using /* to start the comment, and */ to end it.

Score lines

With an instrument event in the <CsScore> section of the .csd file we can call an instrument with a specified time and duration. The first character of a score line is a lower-case i. Separated by spaces follow “parameter fields”, like columns in a spread sheet.

i p1 p2 p3 [p4 p5 …]

The first three “p-fields” carry these meanings:

  • p1: the instrument name or number to be called
  • p2: the starting time of the specified instrument in beats (default bpm is 60)
  • p3: duration time in beats, usually a positive number. A negative value will initiate a held note (see also ihold).
    A negative value can also be used for ‘always on’ instruments like reverberation.
  • p4, p5, … : optional parameters whose significance is determined by the instrument.

Your first synthesiser

Now that the basics of the Csound language have been outlined, it’s time to look at creating a simple instrument. The opcodes used in this simple instrument are vco2, madsr, moogladder and outall.

The vco2 opcode models a voltage controlled oscillator. It provides users with an effective way of generating band-limited waveforms and can be the building blocks of many a synthesiser. In simpler terms, it produces a particular sound with a determined timbre, amplitude and frequency. Its syntax, taken from the Csound reference manual, is given as:

ares vco2 kamp, kcps [, imode] [, kpw] [, kphs] [, inyx]

Square brackets around an input argument mean that argument is optional and can be left out. This means that for learning purposes we can write this opcode in a simpler way:

ares vco2 kamp, kcps

It outputs an a-rate signal and accepts several different input arguments. kamp determines the amplitude of the signal, while kcps sets the frequency of the signal. The default type of waveform created by a vco2 is a sawtooth waveform. An x before an input argument indicates that i, k or a-rate variables can be used. This is not the case in the vco2 opcode but in vco which has two x-input arguments:

ares vco xamp, xcps, iwave, kpw

The simplest instrument that can be written to use a vco2 is given below. The outall opcode is used to output an a-rate signal as audio.

instr 1
  aOut = vco2:a(1,440)

In order to start the above instrument, this line will need to be added to the Csound score section:

i 1 0 3

This will play for 3 seconds and then terminates. Try it here online.

New p-fields

One obvious limitation here is that the instrument always plays a frequency of 440 Hz, and an amplitude of 0.1. The simplest way to address this problem is by adding two extra p-fields to the score line. p4 is meant to be the amplitude, and p5 is meant to be the frequency.

i 1 0 3 0.1 440
i 1 3 3 0.2 550

With the new p-field in place, the instrument block can be modified to access that value using special i-rate variables named p4 and p5. Whenever Csound starts reading through the code, it will put as p4 and p5 the numbers from the score line.

We can use this feature to play notes in sequence, or simultaneously. Both is used in the next example. Try it online here.

-o dac // real-time output
sr = 44100 // sample rate
0dbfs = 1 // maximum amplitude (0 dB) is 1
nchnls = 2 // number of channels is 2 (stereo)
ksmps = 64 // number of samples in one control cycle (audio vector)

instr 1
  // get p4 from the score line as amplitude
  iAmp = p4
  // get p5 from the score line as frequency
  iFreq = p5
  // sawtooth tone with these amplitude and frequency values
  aOut = vco2:a(iAmp,iFreq)
  // output to all channels

// call instrument 1 in sequence
i 1 0 3 0.1 440
i 1 3 3 0.2 550
// call instrument 1 simultaneously
i 1 7 3 0.05 550
i 1 7 3 0.05 660


Another issue in the instrument presented above is that the notes will click each time they sound. To avoid this, an amplitude envelope should be applied to the output signal. An envelope causes the amplitude of a single to change over time to avoid instant jumps which produce unwanted clicking. The most common envelope used in synthesisers is the ubiquitous ADSR envelope. ADSR stands for Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release. The attack, decay and release sections are given in seconds as they relate to time values. The sustain value describes the sustain level which kicks in after the attack and decay have passed. The note’s amplitude will rest at this sustain level until it is released.

<img src=”images/ADSR.png” class=”img-fluid” alt=”ADSR” width=75% />

Csound offers several ADSR envelopes. The one used here is madsr, which is a MIDI ready ADSR. Its syntax is given as:

kres madsr iatt, idec, islev, irel

There are several places in the instrument code where the output of this opcode can be used. It could be applied directly to the first input argument of the vco2 opcode, or it can be placed in the line with the outall opcode. Both are valid approaches.

-o dac // real-time output
sr = 44100 // sample rate
0dbfs = 1 // maximum amplitude (0 dB) is 1
nchnls = 2 // number of channels is 2 (stereo)
ksmps = 64 // number of samples in one control cycle (audio vector)

instr 1
  // get p4 from the score line as amplitude
  iAmp = p4
  // get p5 from the score line as frequency
  iFreq = p5
  // settings for madsr envelope
  iAtt, iDec, iSus, iRel = 0.1, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7
  // create envelope with madsr opcode
  kEnv = madsr:k(iAtt,iDec,iSus,iRel)
  // sawtooth tone 
  aOut = vco2:a(iAmp,iFreq)
  // apply envelope by multiplication and output to all channels

// call instrument 1 in sequence
i 1 0 2 0.1 440
i 1 3 2 0.2 550
// call instrument 1 simultaneously
i 1 7 3 0.1 550
i 1 7 3 0.1 660

Try out this code here online.


ADSR envelopes are often used to control the cut-off frequency of low-pass filters. A low-pass filter blocks high frequency components of a sound, while letting lower frequencies pass. A popular low-pass filter found in Csound is the moogladder filter which is modeled on the famous filters found in Moog synthesisers. Its syntax is given as:

asig moogladder ain, kcf, kres

Its first input argument is an a-rate variable: the signal to be fed into the filter. The next two arguments set the filter’s cut-off frequency and the amount of resonance to be added to the signal. Both of these can be k-rate variables, thus allowing them to be changed during the note. Using the output from the madsr to control the filter’s cut-off frequency is trivial and can be seen in the next example.

-o dac // real-time output
sr = 44100 // sample rate
0dbfs = 1 // maximum amplitude (0 dB) is 1
nchnls = 2 // number of channels is 2 (stereo)
ksmps = 64 // number of samples in one control cycle (audio vector)

instr 1
  // get p4 from the score line as amplitude
  iAmp = p4
  // get p5 from the score line as frequency
  iFreq = p5
  // settings for madsr envelope
  iAtt, iDec, iSus, iRel = 0.1, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7
  // create envelope with madsr opcode
  kEnv = madsr:k(iAtt,iDec,iSus,iRel)
  // set the cutoff frequency and the resonance
  iCutoff, iRes = 5000, 0.4
  // sawtooth tone 
  aVco = vco2:a(iAmp,iFreq)
  // moogladder low pass filter with variable cutoff frequency
  aLp = moogladder:a(aVco,iCutoff*kEnv,iRes)
  // apply envelope by multiplication and output to all channels

// call instrument 1 in sequence
i 1 0 2 0.1 440
i 1 3 2 0.2 550
// call instrument 1 simultaneously
i 1 7 3 0.1 550
i 1 7 3 0.1 660

Try out the code here online.

Controlling your instrument with MIDI

While the score section offers lots of versatility when it comes to writing and composing music with Csound, it can be a little restrictive when it comes to performing live. Many musicians will prefer to use a MIDI keyboard to trigger notes. Csound offers a very simple way of accessing values from the MIDI keyboard. But first Csound must be instructed to listen to messages from a MIDI keyboard. This can be done in the <CsOptions> section of the source code. The <CsOptions> section is populated with unique flags that tell Csound how to interact with different devices. A -Ma will tell Csound to listen for MIDI messages from all available devices. The -odac we already added to pipe Csound’s output to the computer’s sound card. In order to pass MIDI note and amplitude data to an instrument, so-called MIDI-interop command line flags can be used. Consider the following example:

-odac -Ma --midi-key-cps=4 --midi-velocity-amp=5

Csound will open any available MIDI device. Every time a note is pressed, the note’s frequency will be passed to p4, while the note’s amplitude will be passed to p5. The previous score lines used to trigger the instrument can now be removed from the score section. Below is the code for a fully functioning MIDI synth. A second, slightly out of tune vco2 has been added to provide a little warmth to the overall sound.

-odac -Ma --midi-key-cps=4 --midi-velocity-amp=5
sr = 44100 // sample rate
0dbfs = 1 // maximum amplitude (0 dB) is 1
nchnls = 2 // number of channels is 2 (stereo)
ksmps = 64 // number of samples in one control cycle (audio vector)

instr 1
  // get p4 from the score line as amplitude
  iAmp = p4
  // get p5 from the score line as frequency
  iFreq = p5
  // settings for madsr envelope
  iAtt, iDec, iSus, iRel = 0.1, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7
  // create envelope with madsr opcode
  kEnv = madsr:k(iAtt,iDec,iSus,iRel)
  // set the cutoff frequency and the resonance
  iCutoff, iRes = 5000, 0.4
  // sawtooth tone 
  aVco1 = vco2:a(iAmp,iFreq)
  // another one slightly out of tune
  aVco2 = vco2:a(iAmp,iFreq*0.99)
  // moogladder low pass filter with variable cutoff frequency
  aLp = moogladder:a((aVco1+aVco2)/2,iCutoff*kEnv,iRes)
  // apply envelope by multiplication and output to all channels

// empty score as we expect midi to trigger the instrument


Note that most frontends offer their own MIDI handling. Once this is set up, the user can omit the -Ma option.

The online code is here but it requires WebMIDi.

Your first effect

Real-time audio input

If we want to create an audio effect in Csound on real-time audio input, we need to feed the microphone signal into Csound. This is done by the -i adc command line option in the <CsOptions> section of the source code. It tells Csound to listen for input -i on the analog-to-digital converter adc.

These two command line options give both, real-time output and real-time input:

-o dac -i adc

As usual, most Csound frontends handle this for you, so you may not need to write these options explicitly.

Instrument code

The inch opcode can be used to access audio from the computer’s sound card. It takes a single argument which specifies the channel number. Once the audio signal has been accessed, it can be passed through any number of opcodes that accept audio inputs. The comb filter opcode can be used to create a simple echo type effect. It takes 3 input arguments.

ares comb asig, krvt, ilpt

asig will be our audio input signal, while krvt sets the reverberation time in seconds. ilpt sets the loop time of each echo. Note that the loop time should always be less than the reverberation time, otherwise you will not hear any effect. In the next code example a simple stereo echo effect is created by setting up two comb filters with different loop times and sending them to the left and right output channels.

-o dac -i adc
sr = 44100
ksmps = 64
0dbfs = 1
nchnls = 2

instr Effect
  aInL = inch(1)
  aInR = inch(2)
  aCombL = comb(aInL,3,0.5)
  aCombR = comb(aInR,3,0.7)

i "Effect" 0 100

You can access this instrument here online.

Writing sounds to disk

Record a live performance with fout

There may be times when you will want to record the sounds your instruments produce in realtime. The easiest way to do this is using a combination of the fout and monitor. fout allows one to write a number of audio signals to file, while monitor grabs the contents of Csound’s audio outut buffer. Every sound that Csound produces is passed to its output buffer, so it’s the go-to place when we need to record audio output. Presented below is a simple instrument that will record all sounds to a file called “fout_all.wav”.

instr Collect 
  ;read the stereo csound output buffer
  allL, allR monitor
  ;write the output of csound to a 24 bit wav file

In modern Csound, we can use an audio array rather than single audio signals for each channel. In this version, the aChannels[] array contains all audio signals in one container:

instr Collect 
  ;read the stereo csound output buffer
  aChannels[] monitor
  ;write the output of csound to a 24 bit wav file

Some frontends provide possibilities to record any live session just by pushing a button, but fout can be used in any situation.

Render to file

Csound can not only record real-time performances but also render any score directly to a sound file. This is done “as fast as possible”, so usually much faster than in real-time.

To apply this, instead of writing -o dac we write any file name as output. This statement will render to a file called “csound_output.wav”:

-o csound_output.wav

Common Errors

Csound will inform you of any errors contained in your code. Understanding syntax errors is key to making the most out of Csound. The most common error is the “used before defined” error. This occurs whenever a variable is accessed before it has been defined. For instance, in the following code kAmp is passed as an input argument to oscili before it is declared.


instr 1
  aSound = oscili:a(kAmp,440)


When Csound reads through this code and gets to the line with oscili it reports an error because it can’t find a value for kAmp as it has not been defined. In order to avoid this error we have to ensure that all variables are defined before use.


0dbfs = 1

instr 1
  kAmp = 1
  aSound = oscili:a(kAmp,440)


Another common error is “unexpected T_IDENT”. The most common reason for this error is a typo. The typo can be caused by calling an opcode by an incorrect name, or from spelling an opcode with capital letters. Remember that Csound is case sensitive; “oscil” is not the same as “Oscil”!

Where to now?

There are lots of great resources available to those wishing to learn more about Csound. The Csound FLOSS Manual is a comprehensive online textbook for learning and using Csound. It covers all aspects of the language and provides detailed code examples for you to follow. You also find another Get Started there. It can be read and executed in any browser.

Iain McCurdy’s “realtime examples” are a wonderful source of inspiration and models for how to get high-quality sounds out of Csound. They are available on his Website and also included in the Cabbage frontend (the older ones also in CsoundQt).

The official Csound Reference Manual is available online as well as included with most Csound editors and frontends. It contains all information about the usage of the 1500+ opcodes and includes an example of each one in use. That’s more than 1500 Csound instruments ready to play straight away!

There are also a number of excellent printed books available through a variety of different publishers. You can check out the Books section to find more information.