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LAC 2014 Presentation: Csound on the Web

Steven Yi and Edward Costello presented a paper at the Linux Audio Conference 2014 entitled “Csound on the Web”. This paper was written together with Victor Lazzarini and John ffitch. The paper is available from the LAC site here (The paper and video will be posted to the LAC website after the conference). The presentation covers two projects involving running Csound on the client-side within a browser, all without any plugin installation. These two projects are Csound compiled with Emscripten to Javascript, and Csound compiled for Portable Native Client (PNaCl).

The links to examples used for the demonstrations can be found in the slides. They are also listed below, together with links to locations where one can download their source code (they are all open source!).

Note: The items above marked as PNaCl require Google Chrome, Chromium, or Chrome OS to run that has PNaCl support enabled.