We are pleased to announce the release of Csound 6.04. Source and binary packages for the various platforms can be found at
[https://sourceforge.net/projects/csound/files/csound6/Csound6.04] (https://sourceforge.net/projects/csound/files/csound6/Csound6.04)
This new version has many extensions and fixes; many new opcodes and significant numbers of internal reworking. There is a new frontend and iOS and Android version have seen many improvements.
As ever we track bugs and requests for enhancements via the github issues system. Already proposals for the next release are being made but the volume of changes require a release now.
New opcodes:
o pinker generates high quality pink noise
o power opcode ^ now works with array arguments
o exciter opcode, modelled on the calf plugin , o vactrol opcode simulate an analog envelope follower
o family of hdf5 opcodes to handle hdf5 format files
o (experimental undocumented) buchla opcode models the lowgate filter of Buchla
o New k-rate opcodes acting on arrays:
New Gen and Macros:
o Line numbers corrected in instr statements
o New control operation, while, for looping
o A long-standing bug with macros which use the same name for an argument has been corrected
o Redefinition of an instrument in a single call to compile is flagged as an error
o ID3 header skip for mp3 files now properly implemented.
o Errors induced by not defining the location of STK's raw wave files has been removed
o bug fixed where UDO's could not read strings from pfields
o bug fixed which hid tb opcodes at i-rate
o Attempts to use two OSClisteners with the same port is now trapped rather than give a segmentation fault
Modified Opcodes and Gens:
o stackops opcodes deprecated
o lenarray extended to handle multi-dimensional arrays
o ftgenonce accepts string arguments correctly and multiple string arguments
o max and min now have initialisation-time versions
o gen23 improved regarding comments and reporting problems
o in OSCsend the port is now a k-rate value
o socksend now works at k-rate
o a number of envelope-generating opcodes are now correct in sample-accurate mode
o faust compilation is now lock-protected
o mp3 fixed to allow reinit to be used with it.
o In remote opcode the name of the network can be set via the environment variable CS_NETWORK. Defaults to en0 (OSX) or eth0.
o invalue, outvalue are available at i-rate as well as k-rate
icsound: New frontend icsound is now ready for general use. icsound is a python interface for interactive work in the ipython notebook.
pnacl-csound: Realtime audio input is now supported. New methods to access tables have been added to the csound.js API.
csdebugger: A number of changes and improvements have been made, like stepping through active instruments, better line number use
General usage: Jack module now does not stop Csound if autoconnect fails
###Bugs fixed
o atsinnoi fixed
o ftsavek fixed
o sprintf fixed
o gen27 fixed, especially with extended arguments, as well as fixed a number of errors in extended score arguments.
o Physem opcodes (guiro cabasa, sekere) fixed so second call works
o flooper fixed in mode 2
o OSCsend multiple fixes
o UDO fix for case of local ksmps of 1
o More changes/fixes to dssi code
o xscanu and scanu fixed
o temposcal and mincer fixed
o crash in ftload
System changes:
o In server mode exit is now clean
o Fixes to rtalsa module
o Pulseaudio rt module fixes
o Fix to remove fluidEngine entries for csound instance (prevents crash on moduleDestroy)
o Opcodes called through function calls that returned arrays did not correctly synthesize args as array types due to not converting the arg specifier to the internal format
o fixed crashing issue during note initialization for tied notes due to goto skipping over code
o fixed incorrect initialization of pfields when note's pfields length were less than instrument expected (off-by-one)
Internal changes:
Added Runtime Type Identification for instrument variables; removed use of XINCODE/XOUTCO
fix malloc length in negative number parsing, and improved handling of negative numbers
writing to circularBuffer is now atomic
a number of memory leaks and potential dangerous code have been fixed
type-inference has been extensively reworked, as have a few parsing areas
###Platform Specific
fixed pointer arithmetic that caused crashing on Windows
pyexec changed to use python's file opening functions to prevent crash on Windows