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eClick - A wire-free, visual click-track system

Tarmo Johannes has announced on the Csound mailing list the release of a new program called eClick. His announcement email is posted below:


I am glad to let know about first public release of a project I’ve been working on intensly recently - it is a cross-platform, wire-free visual click-track system. We have used similar thing with my ensemble U: for quite some years for some very complex pieces but now it is completely rewritten and out for people to use.

The software is called eClick, it consists of two parts - server sending the info about beats, tempo changes etc and client, showing the information to players. The communicationd goes over OSC (mostly + some websocket handhake)

The core of the server is Csound and the scores must be transcribed to Csound score (about time, meters etc etc).

It is written on Qt platform and for Csound community might be interesting to see example about the cross-platform solutions. Qt is really great for that.

If it turns useful for you, feel free to give a try and let me know!

