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csound-vim and csound-repl

Luis Jure has released an updated version of his csound-vim plugin, and Steven Yi has released a new csound-repl plugin for live coding with Csound.

Luis’ email to the Csound mailing list describes the changes for csound-vim:

After a long time of relative inactivity, I’m happy to announce a new major release of csound-vim, a set of tools for editing Csound files with Vim.

csound-vim provides syntax recognition and highlighting, folding, auto completion, on-line reference, and templates, plus a set of macros to compile your orchestra and listen to the results without leaving the editor. These tools turn Vim, with all its editing power, into a simple but efficient Csound development environment.

Major changes in this release:

  • It’s on github! now it’s not only easy to install and update, but also to contribute code. just visit;

  • It’s pathogen-compatible, making it very easy to install and update with pathogen or any other plugin manager, like Vundle, NeoBundle, or VimPlug;

  • now it has a formal license: it’s released under the MIT license.

Improvements, updates and new features include:

  • General clean up and update of the syntax file. lots remain to be done there, though;

  • The list of opcodes was updated to the latest release;

  • NEW FEATURE: auto-completion of opcode names with Ctl-n / Ctl-p;

  • Several minor changes and fixes.

I hope that csounders who also use vim will find it useful. comments, suggestions, ideas (and patches!) are most welcome.

Steven’s plugin is available at and includes Vim documentation that describes the usage of the plugin.