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PWCsound 0.5 Beta now available!

PWCsound Introduction from giorgio zucco on Vimeo.

Giorgio Zucco reports that his PWCsound 0.5 Beta is now available on Mac OSX (with Windows coming soon). From the site:

PWCsound is a graphical Pwgl library interface for building csound instruments by patching modules similar to modular synthesizers. This library has been motivated by the need to form a bridge between various composition tools found in Pwgl and Csound programming language.

The musician can generate a .csd csound file visually by choosing a set of boxes and making connections between them.

It’s intended for Csound beginners to learn some fundamentals about this wonderful language and for advanced Csound users, who want to test their ideas and play with input parameters in a graphical user interface, to generate complex and multi-layered musical textures.